Satoshi Nakamoto is the person credited with inventing bitcoin, authoring the bitcoin white paper, and implementing the first blockchain database. However, he probably wasn’t a real person. There are many websites dedicated to speculating on who Satoshi was, but because of an extreme lack of verifiable information about him, any connection of writings to an actual specific person is tenuous at best.
So, we started thinking…
“What if there was an actual Japanese person who was the real Satoshi? What would his life have been like?”
Since some of the authors of this project have lived in Japan for 40+ years and know the culture and education system pretty well, we decided to build a plausible life history for how Satoshi would have developed to become the inventor of blockchain.
But rather than just create an educational novel on the web, we decided to turn it into a community project, where the community can help us flesh out and celebrate one of the great innovators of our time.