Creating Satoshi

Satoshi Nakamoto is the person credited with inventing bitcoin, authoring the bitcoin white paper, and implementing the first blockchain database. However, he probably wasn’t a real person. There are many websites dedicated to speculating on who Satoshi was, but because of an extreme lack of verifiable information about him, any connection of writings to an actual specific person is tenuous at best.

So, we started thinking…
“What if there was an actual Japanese person who was the real Satoshi? What would his life have been like?”

Since some of the authors of this project have lived in Japan for 40+ years and know the culture and education system pretty well, we decided to build a plausible life history for how Satoshi would have developed to become the inventor of blockchain.

But rather than just create an educational novel on the web, we decided to turn it into a community project, where the community can help us flesh out and celebrate one of the great innovators of our time.

Timeline's Main Events
1975, Age 0
1981, Age 6
1986, Age 11
1987, Age 12
1988, Age 13
1989, Age 14
1990, Age 15
1991, Age 16
1992, Age 17
1993, Age 18
1997, Age 21
1999, Age 24
Tales of Satoshi end here, but
2000, Age 25
2001, Age 26
2004, Age 28
2006, Age 30
2008, Age 33
2011-2012, Age 36
2022, Age 47
Family and Influences
We invite you to join our community and help us give a body and a face to Satoshi’s relations.
Immediate Family
Jomei Nakamoto, Father
October 21, 1938
Same day as War of the Worlds “gas attack from Mars” broadcast caused panic in NY
Ryutaro Ino, Uncle
August 13, 1942
Yoshiro Ino, Uncle
December 15, 1943
UK’s Mk 1 Colossus computer goes online
Toshiko Ino, Mother
Octuber 16, 1944
Born when Dennis Gabor invents optical wavefront reconstruction for electron microscopes, later used in laser holography
Satoshi’s parents marry
April 12, 1970
Married day after Apollo 13
Akiko Nakamoto, Sister
November 20, 1970
Born day after floppy disk was invented by Alan Shugart
Rika Nakamoto, Sister
November 16, 1971
Born day after Computer Space video game was released
Takara Nakamoto, Sister
April 21, 1973
Born day after bar code was invented
Shinjiro Nakamoto, Brother
June 5, 1974
Born day after Maze Game shooter game released
Satoshi Nakamoto
April 5, 1975
Born day after Microsoft was founded
Other Influences
Satsuki Watanabe, Neighbor
Elderly neighbor who used to babysit the Nakamoto kids while Toshiko was at work
Tsutomu, “The Bully”
Beat up Satoshi when he was 13-14
Sawamiya, Physicist
June 1988 & June 1989
Impresses upon young Satoshi the importance of math, and helps get Satoshi access to Junet internet at Keio University
Jikai, “The Yamabushi”
February 1988
Gives Satoshi messages from “the other side”
Bill Raike, Crypto Scientist
September 1988
Talented crypto scientist with PhD and military intelligence background, educates Satoshi about the fickleness of governments
Roger Boisvert, CEO of IIK
Provided Satoshi with paid work and a stream of interesting life events
Haruka Suzuki, 1st Girlfriend
Moonlighting at IIK
April Showers, 2nd Girlfriend
UK citizen studying at Keio
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